Policies and Information About the Botelle School LMC
Library books may be borrowed for up to 14 days before they are considered overdue. If no one else is waiting for the book, it may be renewed for an additional 14 day period. Students may not borrow additional books until overdue books have been returned.
Please encourage your child to designate a spot in your house to keep his/her library books safe and clean. Library books are community property and with the rising costs of books we promote proper care and handling of books. Please help your children develop resposibilty by reminding them of their "library day" and that it is their resposibilty to return books on time. Students may not borrow additional books if they have not returned their books on "library day." No "late fines" are issued for overdue books, however payment is appreciated for "lost" books.
Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions regarding our library procedures or program.

Kindergarten students use the library weekly for instruction and book exchange. The first part of the year students learn about the care and handling of books, the arrangement of books in the library media center, and how to make a good book choice by practicing the "booky looky." Starting in late January or early February students are exposed to nonfiction books and the arrangemnt of these resources in the library media center. Students borrow 1 book each week.
2nd Grade

Students in 2nd Grade use the library weekly for instruction and book exchange. Most 2nd graders are now famliar with browsing in the picture book and nonfiction sections of the library. This year students are exposed to chapter books and leveled books in the library. Starting in January instruction is given in how to use our on-line catalog, Destiny, to "search" rather than "browse" for a book in the library. 2nd Graders borrow 2 books weekly from the library. Students are still encouraged to select one fiction and one nonfiction book each week to practice book selection and book location skills.
1st Grade

Students in 1st Grade use the lbrary weekly for instruction and book exchange. The first part of the year students review the care and handling of books, the arrangment of books in the library media center, and book selection strategies. In September 1st graders borrow 1 book weekly from the library. October through June students borrow 2 books, but students are encouraged to borrow one fiction and one nonfiction book per week. This policy helps readers practice book selection and book location skills.
3rd Grade - 6th Grade

Students in grade 3- 6 do not visit the library weekly for a scheduled book exchange. With the permission of their classroom teacher, students may visit the library whenever they are in need of a book. Direct instruction including searching using an on-line catalog, locating print and electronic sources, citing sources, and using technology to produce multimedia are embedded into research projects. Students in these grades use the computer lab, iPads and Chrome Books as tools while researching.